Pilates is a form of exercise which uses the combined effects of mind and body and is designed to help:
increase flexibility
achieve correct postural alignment
lengthen and strengthen muscles
lower stress levels
increase bone density
improve joint mobility
tone areas such as stomach, thighs and buttocks
create greater body awareness
What is Pilates?
Joseph Pilates was born in Germany in 1880. As a child he suffered from asthma, rickets and rheumatic fever and focused on sport as a way of overcoming these illnesses.
In 1912 he moved to England where he was interned once war broke out but during this time he devised exercises to keep his fellow internees fit and healthy.
At the end of the war he moved back to Germany but then emigrated to the USA in 1926. On the boat he met his future wife, Clara, and together they set up a physical fitness studio in New York where they taught his methods to dancers, actors and sports people.
Today the Pilates method has achieved worldwide popularity.
Pilates can be beneficial in the management of back pain, sports injuries and joint restriction.
One of Pilates’ favourite quotes was:‘It is the mind itself which builds the body.’
it's what we do well
Lovely Location
The studio setting is conveniently close to Stratford upon Avon with easy access from surrounding villages with ample free parking with easy access.